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Cops in Fresno are Blood Thirsty Thugs! – A New Report Finds

From Alternet:

“A California Public Records Act Request uncovered a previously withheld list of 27 Fresno police officers involved in repeat shootings of civilians from 2002 through 2009, 25 of whom, according to an official with the Fresno Police Department, are still on active duty today. Of these 27 officers, four were involved in at least three separate shooting incidents over the same period. One officer, Michael Palomino, was involved in four shooting incidents. In the context of a statewide investigation focusing in on four major police departments, the Fresno Police Department stands out in scale. During the same period, the similarly sized Oakland Police Department had only five officers involved in repeat shootings, although Fresno enjoys a much lower crime rate.

Dep. Chief Robert Nevarez, head of the Fresno Police Department’s Professional Standards Division, which oversees the department’s Internal Affairs Bureau, said he had been unaware of the number of officers involved in repeat shootings. However, Nevarez stood by the quality of the department’s Internal Affairs investigations and stressed the need to review each shooting individually: “It’s very important for us to review them [shootings by officers] on their own merits,” Nevarez said. “We’re policing a very dangerous population.””


Yes, Chief Nevarez you are policing a very “dangerous” population indeed. We’ll call them “citizens” for short and say that what makes them so dangerous is their overriding interest in destroying you and people like you – i.e., to borrow a watchword of the Bush-regime, “enemies of freedom.” It’s an unfortunate thing you refuse to police that other “very dangerous” population which consists primarily of people in uniform with guns who feel somehow entitled to murder and terrorize at their whim. Again, however, well said! Damn “citizens” had it coming anyway — and a trial is just a slow, costly, and ineffective means of achieving your personal sadistic ends. Down with Justice! Up with Lynchings!

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