Jun 28, 2012
Is it too Late to Say We Don’t Want that $169,000 Lenco Bearcat?
Apparently, the City Council isn’t happy with the BPD, but is the Bearcat already on its way? We’re not just upset about militarization...
May 20, 2012
No Armored Vehicles for the Berkeley Police! Join us at Old City Hall, Berkeley on May 22nd at 8pm
If Berkeley Police Department has its wishes granted by Homeland Security, this will join our local arsenal. What would this be used for?...
May 15, 2012
Berkeley Must Say NO to Mutual Aid Pacts that Turn BPD into Homeland Security
Berkeley Police Department is currently seeking funding and training from UASI (Urban Areas Security Initiative- a Homeland Security...
Mar 15, 2012
Berkeley Copwatch Comment on Chief Meehan Scandal
It is not surprising that recent actions by Berkeley Police Chief Michael Meehan have been met by calls for his resignation. It is some...
Mar 14, 2012
Berkeley Police Association Takes Public Stand Against the Chief
A recent incident with the Berkeley Police Department has brought forward the Berkeley Police Association taking a public stand against...
Jan 6, 2012
Video: Berkeley Police Improper Display of “Less-Lethal” Weapons at Protesters
On December 22, 2011 Berkeley Police officers began a series of late night raids and provocations on the Berkeley Occupy encampment. One...
Nov 12, 2011
UC Berkeley Riot Police Use Batons to Clear Students from Sproul Plaza
The unarmed ‘Occupy Cal’ protesters were ousted fromtheir encampment late Wednesday, but regrouped for amass rally and sit-in by Conor...
Nov 7, 2011
Berkeley Copwatch Demands: No Berkeley Mutual Aid to Shut Down Oakland Protests!
Despite what Berkeley Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Mary Kusmiss has said publicly, on the morning of the raid of Occupy Oakland,...
Nov 7, 2011
Berkeley Copwatch Demands: No Berkeley Mutual Aid to Shut Down Oakland Protests!
COME TO CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 8th at 7pm City Council @ 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way (across from Occupy Berkeley!) The...
Apr 14, 2011
Commission to Investigate March 3 Berkeley Police Crowd Control Tactics
“The complaint was brought to the commission by Berkeley Copwatch member Andrea Prichett, who said at the meeting that she was concerned...