Jul 27, 2020
Op/Ed: In the Black Lives Matter Era, Police Drones Must Make their Final Landing
Low hanging fruit: ban police use of drones. Great article by Dennis Flores in NYC. Read the article, published by Gothamist:...

Mar 27, 2019
Berkeley & Oakland Budgets Prioritize Policing over Education
From Defund OPD: Where are Oakland's priorities? OUSD teachers took to the streets and resorted to a strike to be heard by the district....
Sep 16, 2018
BPD Chief explains how you don't need a policy to secretly record the public, and how doxxing is
The video linked below is from the PRC meeting from 9-12-18. Go to 30:00 into the video. https://www.facebook.com/cschwartz72/videos/1015...
Sep 15, 2018
BPD Secretly Recording Conversations and Doxxing Members of the Public
Read this article from the Guardian about how Berkeley police posted activists' mugshots on Twitter and celebrated retweets:...
Feb 3, 2018
6 Elements of Police Spin: An Object Lesson in Copspeak
This is a great lesson in how to interpret what REALLY happens when police shoot someone. Link: https://fair.org/home/6-elements-of-polic...
Jan 30, 2017
Shutdown SFO! Free all detained immigrants now!
"With SF still detaining Arab and Muslim immigrants, we must come out harder and stronger to show that we will not stand down until...

Jan 30, 2017
Call to Action: Protest at SFO!
Last night hundreds, most likely thousands of people came out to San Francisco Airport to protest the ban on Muslims entering US. Here...

Jan 30, 2017
Copwatching SFO Airport Demonstrations
Chanting "their rights over your flights" and "we love you, but you can't go through." Blockade until all the detainees are let go.
Nov 11, 2016
Black Power Network Solidarity Rally
Tonight! That is RIGHT NOW. And into the night. Solidarity with all the communities that Trump and his white supremacist followers are...
Oct 14, 2016
Oakland Freedom Fest: Building Beyond Police and Prisons
~ Coming up Saturday Oct. 22! ~ Oakland Freedom Fest: Building Beyond Police and Prisons! When it's impossible to hold cops accountable,...