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BART Fires Domenici for Involvement in Oscar Grant’s Murder

From the SF Chronicle:

“Marysol Domenici, 29, was fired Wednesday by interim Police Chief Dash Butler. He followed the recommendation of a law firm BART hired to do an independent internal affairs probe into the shooting by former Officer Johannes Mehserle, who faces a murder trial this summer.”


Hopefully, this is a signal that there is more to follow. In particular, BART MUST fire Pirone and he MUST be charged with a crime. It’s hard to see how Domenici’s conduct could possibly call for her to be fired if Pirone doesn’t face similar consequences. It’s also important to note how shitty it is that the first cop to be fired in connection with Oscar Grant’s murder is a woman. She didn’t pull the trigger, she didn’t punch him, or yell racial slurs, but she’s the first one fired. No doubt she deserves to be fired – and worse. Still, can BART seriously think that it’s more important to fire her than Pirone…? Smacks of good ol’ boy sexism!

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