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No Blacks on Jury – Carrethers v. BART Police (Mehserle, et. al.)

Action Alert from the Oscar Grant Committee Against Police Brutality and State Repression

PLEASE ATTEND THE TRIAL: Wednesday, November 23rd and resuming on Monday, November 28 at the United States District Court, 450 Golden Gate, San Francisco at 8:30 a.m. in Judge Edward Chen’s courtroom for approximately 2 weeks.

Cephus Johnson, Oscar Grant’s Uncle Bobby, has reported that the jury selection was completed in the civil rights violation lawsuit brought by Kenneth Carrethers against former BART police officer Johannes Mehserle and 4 other current BART cops for brutally beating him 6 weeks before Mehserle killed unarmed Oscar Grant.

Much like the Los Angeles murder trial against Mehserle, the jury consists of only white men and women and two Asian jurors. Similarly, Johnson stated that BART is back in court lying about the beating of Kenneth Carrethers.

The trial continues tomorrow, Wednesday, November 23rd and then resumes on Monday, November 28 at the United States District Court, 450 Golden Gate, San Francisco at 8:30 a.m. in Judge Edward Chen’s courtroom.

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