Support Copwatcher Ramsey Orta!
From Jacob / We Copwatch:
We just visited Ramsey Orta and he is staying strong. For those that don't know, Ramsey filmed the 2014, NYPD chokehold death of Eric Garner. He has been incarcerated for three years, he's been out into solitary confinement 7 times, and he's spent over a year in solitary.
Ramsey was cut a couple weeks ago and the circumstances are suspicious.Ramsey will be in solitary for at least another 40 days.
We’re worried about Ramsey, but we know the power you all have if we make the call for support. We’ll have more to update soon.
Please write Ramsey and let him know he's not alone. Ramsey Orta 16A4200: Mohawk Correctional Facility P.O. Box 8451, Rome, New York 13440
He can also receive books, and would love them. He can’t do much with it now, but you can support his commissary and phone needs through his PayPal and you can support his welcome home fund here.
We're sorry we don't have a great report back, but Ramsey bends, but never breaks. Ramsey wanted to make sure we let people know that he really appreciates them, that he's getting through this, and that he's far from giving up.
We'll have more to update soon. Jacob/We Copwatch