Know Your Rights Training, Sun 12/6 @ 11a
This interactive training is meant as an introduction to your constitutional rights as they pertain to policing and strategies for filming and documenting the police. This is also meant to give you tools so you can better advocate for your rights and the rights of others.
The way that you choose to interact with the police is a very personal choice, carrying different risks based on your race, gender, class and more.
The information in this training is meant to empower you and offer you choices when confronted by the police. It is not meant to replace your lived experience or tell you what is right in every situation. Only you know that.
The training will cover:
I. Introduction and Principles of Copwatching
II. Legal Rights and how they play into filming the police
III. Three Types of Stops, Violations, and Police Misconduct
IV. Copwatching Techniques
V. How to Film
VI. How Can You Fight Back
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