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NO to Jen Louis as Police Chief, YES to Community Safety!

This week…

Press Conference Thursday May 4th at 4pm in front of the police station at 2100 MLK Jr Way.

Learn about the pattern of BPD “bad arrests” that likely point to illegal arrest quotas, that the publicly appointed Police Accountability Board is currently investigating. Also, hear about the history of racial profiling in the Berkeley police. Since 2015, we have been asking BPD to address this problem and it just gets worse each year!

Next week…

JOY & Justice Rally Tuesday May 9th at 4:30pm at 1231 Addison Street before the city council meeting.

Hear from Berkeleyans as they explain why the investigations into alleged wrongdoings are essential to public trust and why council would be irresponsible to promote Jen Louis. Hear perspectives on how to create true community safety and how we keep us safe.

Under the watch of Interim Chief Jen Louis, we have seen racist, anti-homeless text messages between BPD officers on duty, the use of arrest quotas (illegal in California), the denial of Miranda rights to juveniles, an increase in racial disparities in police stops from 2018-2022, questionable overtime practices and Interim Chief Louis herself violating the Police Code of Conduct with substantiated sexual harassment claims against her (that were later removed from her record by the city manager). In fact, when City Manager Williams-Ridley tried to promote Interim Chief Jen Louis last November, the promotion was met with such opposition that Williams-Ridley withdrew the promotion and instead promised investigations into the text messages and arrest quotas. Those investigations are still ongoing!

Yet, Interim Chief Louis has given the city council an ultimatum: promote me now or I’ll quit. We say no to intimidation tactics and status quo racist policing in Berkeley. No Jen! Just Justice!

Tell City Council to stop the promotion of Jen Louis to permanent chief of police. Here's how!


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