Re-Imagining starts with the PEOPLE not the POLICE
Do you know who has been showing up and speaking at the Reimagining Public Safety Meeting regularly? Cops.
Do you know who hasn’t been? The majority of the community.
How come cops are presenting at the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force meetings when they are the reason we need to reimagine public safety to begin with? Berkeley PD's documented pattern of racial profiling should be nowhere near a “public safety” task force, and nowhere near the public at all.
Please join us tomorrow (9/9) and ask that the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force listen and work with the people and communities who are most impacted by police violence in order to actually reimagine public safety! Let's make Berkeley a safe place for everyone.
#FundTheCommunity #TheSafestCommunitiesAreTheOnesWithoutCops #PublicSafetyIsPublicAccessToAllResources #EndHunger #EndHouselessness #Endwhitesupremacy #StopFundingRacistPolice #CareNotCops #HousingIsAHumanRight
[Alt text: 4 images;
Image 1: Black background with a photograph in the middle of a group of people on a tree lined street in the daytime. The photograph is blurred and there is a sign amidst the people that is blurred; one word on the sign reads sweeps. A traffic light is on one side of the street, and street poles with different color flags and backs of street signs are on the other. This Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 6pmPT is the top line on the slide in red lettering. The rest of the words on the image outside of the photograph are: Reimagining Public Safety Task Force Meeting. Special presentation by Berkeley Copwatch co-founder Andrea Prichett. Please join us and tell the Task Force what public safety means to you! Lettering is in all capitals except for the last sentence, and lettering is white and red.
Image 2: Black background with white lettering that says: what does public safety mean to you in all capitals.
Image 3: Black background, white lettering in all capitals that says: 40% of Berkeley’s “Reimagining Public Safety Task Force” (RIPST) meeting time has been dedicated to presentations by the Berkeley police department.
Image 4: Black background with white lettering that reads: please join the RIPST meeting this Thursday at six pm and let them know that reimagining starts with the people not the police! In smaller capital red letters underneath is says *zoom link in bio*.]