Jun 14, 2010
Video of FBI House Visit
Video from an Austin activist who was visited by FBI agents. A good lesson about how to handle yourself in such a situation. [Video has...
May 20, 2010
Lawsuit in Detroit over Police Shooting of 7 Year Old
From Democracy Now! “Meanwhile, the Detroit News has revealed the officer involved in the shooting, Joseph Weekley, was accused in a 2009...
May 16, 2010
Cinco de Mayo in San Jose
From IndyBay: “During Cinco de Mayo celebrations, residents of San José faced daytime checkpoints, citations, and arrests on a scale not...
May 12, 2010
In New York – Minorities Stopped 9 Times More Often Than Whites
From the NYT: “According to the analysis of the 2009 raw data by the Center for Constitutional Rights, nearly 490,000 blacks and Latinos...
May 7, 2010
7 year-old Aiyana Jones Murdered by Detriot Cops
From Adrienne Maree Brown at Feministing: “there is no justice. not for aiyana stanley jones. there is punishment, and perhaps...
Apr 28, 2010
Arpaio Announces a New “Crime Suppression” Sweep
From AZCentral: “Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced another illegal-immigration enforcement operation for this weekend in Phoenix, marking...

Mar 18, 2010
Belated March 4 Videos
Many CWers were out in the East Bay on March 4. Several were among those arrested on the 880. I’ve been really busy lately, so I’m just...
Mar 2, 2010
Police Strategize for March 4 Protests
Terrible reporting from the Daily Californian: “UCPD Chief Mitch Celaya said that the department is preparing to be able to deal with a...

Feb 28, 2010
Battle on Telegraph
Thursday, students and others clashed with police on Telegraph Ave. This may well be a preamble to what will happen on March 4.
Feb 15, 2010
Checkpoint = CashCow
From Mother Jones: “Sobriety checkpoints in California are increasingly turning into profitable operations for local police...