Jul 22, 2010
OPD Lies in Sworn Affadavits
From the Tribune: “The Oakland City Council voted Tuesday night to pay $6.5 million in two search warrant cases from 2008 that claimed...

Jul 18, 2010
Police Torture at G20
An important message from a brave woman who was tortured by police at the G20 in Toronto.
Jul 18, 2010
Swat Raids and Paramilitary Police
From Alternet: “In 1980, 2,884 SWAT deployments were recorded nationwide; the number today is estimated by experts at 50,000 annually or...
Jul 14, 2010
New Orleans Cops Charged for Massacre
From the NYT: “The details of the shootings on the bridge that began to emerge, and which were elaborated on in the indictment unsealed...
Jul 9, 2010
Verdict Protest Coverage
The following are links to helpful sites if you are trying to follow the coverage from Oakland. We’ll try to have updates from the ground...
Jul 9, 2010
Reportback from Copwatcher: Andrea
The overwhelming police force summoned by Oakland and its mutual aid pacts was not able to stop property damage and looting. Despite...
Jun 30, 2010
Chicago PD Torturer Convicted
From DN!: I’ve been saying it for awhile now: torture is an American export.
Jun 28, 2010
OPD “Monitors” Social Networking Sites and Fliers
From the Tribune: “In preparation for the verdict, the Oakland Police Department has conducted training exercises for crowd control and...
Jun 24, 2010
Judge Rules Against UCPD Camera Theft
From the Chronicle: “A judge has ruled that the University of California police illegally searched the camera of a photojournalist...
Jun 21, 2010
OPD Prepares for Riot
Apparently, OPD can find the money to threaten protesters. After all, what else can you consider an exercise like this other than an...