Feb 25, 2020
Tomorrow! Know Your Rights training
Let's end racial profiling and police harassment of unhoused people in Berkeley! * Learn what to do if you are stopped by police *...

Feb 7, 2020
Tues Feb 25, 7 - 9p: Know Your Rights! Training
* Learn what to do if you are stopped by police * Techniques for documenting abuse * How to respond to police misconduct * Your legal...

Jul 11, 2019
Copwatchers Wear Spit Hoods During City Council Meeting to Protest their use by the Berkeley Police
Last night, Berkeley City Council heard from a psychiatrist and various mental health care providers that the use of the "hooding"...
Jul 3, 2019
California Police Departments Still Not Complying with SB 1421
“It’s been quite a first six months of disclosure under California’s new police transparency law, Senate Bill 1421, which took effect...
Jun 15, 2019
Know Your Rights! Training with Berkeley Copwatch
Join Berkeley Copwatch on Thursday, June 20 for a training. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS - On the street - When observing/recording - Safely...
May 23, 2019
Sacramento PD Used a Spit Hood on a 12-Year-Old Boy
Is the Berkeley Police Department in a competition with Sacramento Police for racist policing? Spit hoods are dangerous and should never...
May 21, 2019
Victory for Police Accountability and Transparency
Records of California police rapes, police shootings, and police lying under oath are no longer secret in California. This is a great...
Mar 5, 2019
Sacramento PD Violate 1st Amendment
Sacramento Police shoved journalists to the ground, arrested peaceful protesters including clergy and press. Protesters were responding...
Jan 22, 2019
TOMORROW Know Your Rights Training
Heart 2 Heart and Berkeley Copwatch are hosting a community Know Your Rights Training. This training will focus on law, an individual's...
Oct 16, 2018
Sidewalks are for Everyone
Tonight Berkeley City Council is discussing an ordinance that would criminalize "objects" on the sidewalk. This blatantly targets...