Jul 6, 2010
A verdict is expected SOON in the case of the Police Officer who murdered Oscar Grant on a Friutvale BART platform 18 months ago! If you...

Feb 28, 2010
Battle on Telegraph
Thursday, students and others clashed with police on Telegraph Ave. This may well be a preamble to what will happen on March 4.

Jan 25, 2010
BPD Officers “Protecting & Serving”
Here is a picture of BPD officers “protecting and serving”. This man, according to witnesses on the scene. was the victim of a violent...
Dec 12, 2009
Protesters Take the Battle to the Chancellor
Eight people were arrested last night after protesters marched from a party/concert to the home of Chancellor Birgeneau. There are a lot...
Dec 8, 2009
CW at Open University, Live Week
This is a brief reportback from Monday’s activites on the campus at UC Berkeley. For the most part, the day was pretty uneventful. There...
Jun 2, 2009
OSCAR GRANT (OAKLAND) 1-1-09 The 22 year old father was shot as he lay prone with his hands behind his back. BART officer Johannes...