Jun 10, 2020
The City of Berkeley Must Defund the Police
City Council will vote on "urgent measures" to address police conduct. ITS NOT ENOUGH! Defund the police. We have waited for TWO YEARS...

May 11, 2020
Cops Trash Berkeley Man's Belongings, then Cite him for Littering, Make Threats
How are people supposed to shelter in place when the cops tear down their homes on a regular basis? This citation is from an incident...
Apr 9, 2020
BPD Responds after Berkeley Copwatch Release of Footage from Less-Lethal Shooting Incident — Copwatc
Well, IT WORKED! Release of the footage lit a fire under the butt of Chief Greenwood. Suddenly, faced with a shocking video, the BPD...

Apr 7, 2020
Unarmed Black Man Shot with Less Lethal at Close Range by BPD
PRESS CONTACT: Berkeley Copwatch Andrea Prichett: (510) 229-0527 BerkeleyCopwatch@yahoo.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 7, 2020 *******...
Dec 17, 2019
Berkeley Cop Lies: "No Panhandling in Berkeley"
Berkeley Police Ofc. Minassian #24 says "No panhandling in Berkeley." Lies Lies Lies View the Facebook video: https://www.facebook.com/Be...

Jul 11, 2019
Copwatchers Wear Spit Hoods During City Council Meeting to Protest their use by the Berkeley Police
Last night, Berkeley City Council heard from a psychiatrist and various mental health care providers that the use of the "hooding"...
Jul 9, 2019
Ban BPD Use of "Hooding" Technique
Berkeley needs to stop their police from "hooding" people who are mentally ill or have mental health disabilities. It is traumatizing and...
May 10, 2019
Andrea Prichett of Berkeley Copwatch Resigns from Berkeley Police Review Commission: "The PRC,
"Resignation from Police Review Commission" by Andrea Prichett, published in Berkeley Daily Planet Dear Councilmember Davila and Members...

May 3, 2019
Berkeley has little answer to those in need, but Berkeley police get new trucks and toys?
Hey Berkeley Police! Just when we thought our town didn't have enough money to provide services to homeless, disabled people, the police...
Apr 17, 2019
Homeless People Not Welcome in Berkeley
Repost from Peter Parker: The BPD and the City have begun their cruel policy of forcing homeless people to take down their tents and...